Monday, August 31, 2009

September Update

Hello All,

This coming wednesday, sept. 2, class will be cancelled, as I'll be out of town. However, class will resume next week with a new set of yoga postures designed to warm us up for seated meditation. I hope to see you there!


Currently reading: The Tibetan Book of Living and Dying by Sogyal Rinpoche, Highly Recommended!

Friday, August 7, 2009

August Update #2

Hello All,

August 19 and 26 class will be cancelled, as I'll be out of town on both those dates. I hope everyone has a personal meditation session instead :)
As this class evolves, I find myself inclined to emphasize meditation over Qigong. It is my belief that for the most part, we need to work on our minds more than our bodies. Given that the mind controls the body, and that happiness and suffering are truly "all in our heads", perhaps we all need to meditate more.
Most situations we find ourselves in, throughout our lives, will be outside our control. What is within our control is our mental response to them. That is completely within our control, if we train our minds properly, which takes us back to meditation.

This class is an introduction to meditation and Qigong. For those interested in pursuing either more seriously, some of the links posted below may help.